Monday, November 19, 2012

In The Bathtub

She sat astride him in the bathtub as he laughed and rode him again, and much to his amazement, within moments he was aching for her again, and they rolled and splashed and cavorted like two dolphins in the bathtub, and then he pressed her against the side of the tub and ground himself into her as she moaned, out of control, begging him not to stop, and finally screaming as they both exploded from the depths of the warm, soapy water. peripatetic periotic perioeci pericope periculous periegesis periodontics periclitate periclinal pericentral peribolos pergola pergameneous perfuse perficient perfervid perfectionism perfectibilism perfectibilian perequitate perennate peregrinity peregrination peregal perdure perduellion perdricide perdicine percutient percoct percutaneous percurrent percipient percaline percheron percale peragrate peradventure peracute peotomy peotillomania penury pentimento pentheraphobia pentateuch pentarchy pentapolis pentamerous pentalogy pentagamist pensum pentad pensile penology pennyweight penniform penniferous